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Jumat, 15 April 2011

Call of Duty: Black Ops Cheat Codes

Nih Cheat and Codes dari C.O.D Black Ops


Di Main Menu, lihat ke arah tangan dan tekan spasi berulang-ulang. Setelah beberapa waktu, anda bebas menuju kursi interogasi. , berjalanlah ke arah komputer. Akses ke komputer, lalu masukkan kode berikut:
Cheat Effect
DOA Lets you play "Dead Ops Arcade"
3ARC INTEL Unlocks all Intel in the game for viewing
3ARC UNLOCK Unlocks Dead Ops Arcade and Presidential Zombie Mode
zork starts Zork, a 1979 text-based adventure game Zork on the terminal
who shows a lists of the users who have accounts on terminal
mail opens the mail folder for the current user
login attempts a new session with a corresponding username and password
hello sailor starts Zork, a 1979 text-based adventure game Zork on the terminal
foobar shows the following text on the terminal: "Fee Fie Foe Foo!"
encode encodes a stringusing the CIA's cypher
decode decodes a stringusing the CIA's cypher
ls displays the contents of the current directory.
dir displays the contents of the current directory.
print prints or shows the contents of a file
cat prints or shows the contents of a file
alicia starts Alicia, a virtual therapist
help displays help

Terminal Codes (Usernames dan Passwords)

Masukkan kode dalam terminal (tekan spasi berulang-ulang, dan terminal akan berada di sisi belakang ruang). ketik 'login', dan masukkan kombinasi username/password. Setelah itu anda dapat melihat dokumen pribadi user dengan mengetik 'dir' (setelah anda masuk sebagai user), serta melihat email dengan cara mengetik perintah 'mail'.
Cheat Effect
Username: jfkennedy Password: lancer Login as John F. Kennedy
Username: rnixon Password: checkers Login as Richard Nixon
Username: lbjohnson Password: ladybird Login as Lindon B. Johnson
Username: vbush Password: manhattan Login as Vannevar Bush
Username: amason Password: password Login as Alex Mason

Login ke Dreamland Server (Usernames & Passwords)

Ketik 'rlogin dreamland'. Setelah anda menjalankan perintah ini, anda akan disuruh login menggunakan akun berakses MJ12. Berikut beberapa usernames/passwords.
Cheat Effect
Username: vbush password: majestic1 Login to Dreamland as Vannevar Bush
Username: roppen Password: trinity Login to Dreamland as Robert Oppen

Console Codes

Untuk membuka console codes di single player, buka config.cfg file dengan text editor (biasanya notepad). (Biasanya ada di Steam > steamapps > common > call of duty black ops > players. Setelah anda buka temukan text "seta monkeytoy" dan set ke 0. Setelah itu, tekan tombol ~ yang akan membuka console codes.
Cheat Effect
/god God Mode.
/noclip Go through walls, the ground, etc.
/give all Give all weapons
cg_drawfps 1 Show FPS

Kode Cheat GTA San Andreas (Only PC Bro)

Yang Hobi Main GTA San Andreas Silahkan Mampir Kesini Yang punya Ide, Silahkan tinggalkan Pesan,

Kode (Cheat) Buat GTA San Andreas (Versi Indonesia)

LXGIWYL = Senjata Paket 1
PROFESSIONALSKIT = Senjata paket 2
UZUMYMW = Senjata paket 3
HESOYAM = Darah( Kesehatan) 100%, Armor (Baju Anti Peluru),dan Uang $25.000
BAGUVIX = Badan Kebal (Tidak Terhadap Ledakan, Lapar, tergilas/Tertabrak Kendaraan dan Jatuh Dari Ketinggian)
CVWKXAM = Oxygen Tak Terbatas
ANOSEONGLASS = Mode Adrenaline
FULLCLIP = Amunisi Tak Terbatas

TURNUPTHEHEAT = Naikan 2" Wanted Level"
TURNDOWNTHEHEAT = Hapus "Wanted Level"
BTCDBCB = Gendut
BUFFMEUP = Berotot
AEZAKMI = Tidak pernah di incar polisi
BRINGITON = 6 "Wanted Level"
WORSHIPME = Maksimum "Respect"
HELLOLADIES = Maksimum "Sex Appeal"
VKYPQCF = Maksimum "Stamina"
PROFESSIONALKILLER = Senjata level "Hitman"
NATURALTALENT = Maksimum level "Driving Skill"

AIWPRTON = Tank Rhino
OLDSPEEDDEMON = Bloodring Banger
JQNTDMH = Rancher
VROCKPOKEY = Hotring Racer #1
VPJTQWV = Hotring Racer #2
TRUEGRIME = Trashmaster
KGGGDKP = Vortex
AIYPWZQP = Memiliki Parasut/Terjun Payung
OHDUDE = Hunter
FOURWHEELFUN = Quad (Motor Roda 4)

CPKTNWT = Mobil Melayang
WHEELSONLYPLEASE = Mobil terlihat Ban Saja/Mobil Transparan
STICKLIKEGLUE = Daya Belok/Handling Tinggi
ZEIIVG = Semua lampu lalu lintas Hijau
YLTEICZ = Lalu lintas menjadi kacau
LLQPFBN = Kendaraan Pink
IOWDLAC = Kendaraan Hitam
FLYINGFISH = Perahu Boat Terbang
EVERYONEISPOOR = Kendaraan mobil tua
EVERYONEISRICH = Kendaraan mobil cepat/modern
JCNRUAD = Kendaraan Kebal
SPEEDFREAK = Semua mobil memiliki Nitro
BUBBLECARS = Mobil terbang jika ditabrak
OUIQDMW = Menembak dari mobil leluasa
GHOSTTOWN = Jalanan Sepi
FVTMNBZ = Lalu lintas kendaraan mobil "Country"
BMTPWHR =Lalu lintas kendaraan mobil "Country" dan pakaian "Country"

SPEEDITUP = Permainan mejadi cepat
SLOWITDOWN = Permainan mejadi lambat
AJLOJYQY = Pejalan Kaki Rusuh dan dapatkan stik Golf
BAGOWPG = Kepala memiliki Hadiah
FOOOXFT = Pejalan Kaki memiliki senjata
BLUESUEDESHOES = Pejalan Kaki menjadi Elvis
BGLUAWML = Pejalan Kaki menyerang dengan senjata
LIFESABEACH= Pejalan Kaki berpesta pantai
ONLYHOMIESALLOWED = Gang Members Everywhere
BIFBUZZ = Gangter menguasai jalanan
NINJATOWN = Pejalan Kaki menjadi Ninja dan Pedang (Katana)
BEKKNQV = Pelacur mengikuti
CJPHONEHOME = Sepeda lompat tinggi
KANGAROO = Lompat tinggi
CRAZYTOWN = Mode Pakaian Lucu
SJMAHPE = Rekrut Pejalan Kaki (9mm)
ROCKETMAYHEM = Rekrut Pejalan Kaki (Rockets Launcher
TOODAMNHOT = Cuaca sangat terang
ALNSFMZO = Cuaca Berawan
AUIFRVQS = Cuaca Hujan
CFVFGMJ = Cuaca Berkabut
YSOHNUL = Jam lebih cepat
NIGHTPROWLER = Selalu Tengah Malam (00:00)
OFVIAC = Selalu Malam (21:00)

Trimakasih , Salam Gammer

Trik Dasar Bermain Need For Speed Mostwanted.

Ini dia trik buat agan agan yang gemar bermain NFS mostwanted :

pelajaran pertama adlah trik mempermainkan polisi.
nb : anda minimal harus bisa polis yang heat level 4

1. polisi tidak bisa melihat menembus objek, misalnya dinding atau komplek perumahan.

2. helikopter punya kelemahan di beberapa tempat yang bikin dia gila
Misalnya : di balkon rockport university, loe masuk ke rockport university trus cari jalan menuju balkon ato tempat apalah yang nembus ruang seni, trus berenti disitu, klo loe dah diikuti helikopter helikopter cuma muter2 di atas loe aja n gak ada polis yang bisa nangkep loe. cari di youtube juga ada rekaman videonya dengan keyword nfsmw crazy helicopter.

3. kalo loe ketemu suv usahakan jangan bagian depan loe yang di tabrak, cz mobil loe pasti mental ama tu mobil, ya klo loe dah master coba aja lah, ini khan blognya pemula.

4. kecepatan maksimal mobil polis heat level 5 adalah 225-240, ya sekitar itulah gue ukur pake mobil plus cheat enggine. tapi walaupun mobil polis kecepatannya di atas rata-rata lo gak usah takut, polis level 5 kelemahannya ada pada teknik penyergapannya, polis 5 masih kurang agresiv jadi loe bisa ajak keliling kota ssambil cari pursuit breaker.

5. Blokade mobil punya kelemahan yaitu di sisi belakang mobilnya, pokoknya loe jangan tabrak bagian depan mobil itu karena di jamin pasti ada kesialan yang menghadang anda. klo g percaya coba aja.

Pelajaran kedua teknik mengemudi.
1. cara berbelok 90 derajat pas, caranya loe pake speed break trus klo udah pas di tikungan kasih nitro dikit aja mobil udah nurut ama perintah loe mobil g bakal slip, dan sudah teruju secara klinis.

2. Untuk lintasan yang pendek dan banayk tikungan saya sarankan anda menggunakan mobil dodge viper, karena meskipun ntu mobil lemot tapi di tikungan di jago bro.\

3. untuk mobil drag ada 3 mobil yang menurut q pas banged, pake Corvete, Gallardo, atau pake Lamborgini Murcielago.

Pelajaran Ketiga Pink slip
1. Mobil pink slip yang anda dapatkan performanya satu level di atas mobil yang loe pake waktu lawan black list itu. klo loe pake mobil jelek, dapetnya ya mobil yang performanya jelek, jadi gue saranin loe pake mobil terbaik buat lawan boS.

2. Kalo loe dah ngalahin bos pasti ada pilihan siruh pilih item itu khan, kalo loe penged dapet pink slip. bagian random icon loe pilih satu klo loe gak dapet, tekan Alt + F4 dan ulangi race lalu pilih random pick lainnya, jangan pilih random pick yang sama. nb : itu cara klo loe bner-bner ngebet pengen dapet tu mobil.

Resident Evil 5

nih , buat kalian yang belum main resident evil 5 . 
Download Game PC Resident Evil 5 Gratis. Free download via Indowebster (IDWS) & Rapidshare. Yang pengen maen game Resident Evil 5 dari Capcom, bisa download gratis disini. Untuk game lainnya bisa liat di halaman index download Game PC Gratis. Perhatiin juga spesifikasi minimumnya.
Resident Evil 5 minimal specs :
  • OS : Windows XP
  • CPU : Intel Pentium D / AMD Athlon 64 X2
  • RAM : 1 GiByte Windows Vista / 512 MiByte Windows XP
  • HDD : 8.0 GByte
  • Monitor : 800 x 600 pixels
  • Graphics card : 256 MiByte VRAM / Shader Model 3.0 / Nvidia Geforce 6800 / Ati Radeon HD 2400 Pro
  • Input : Mouse and keyboard
Resident Evil 5 recommended specs :
  • OS : Windows Vista
  • CPU : Intel Core 2 Quad / AMD Phenom X4
  • RAM : 2 GiByte Windows Vista / 1 GiByte Windows XP
  • HDD : 8.0 GByte
  • Monitor : 1,280 x 720
  • Graphics card : 512 MiByte VRAM / Nvidia Geforce 9800 / Ati Radeon HD 4800
  • Input : Xbox 360 Controller for Windows
Screenshot :

Download Link :


Pass : areg

Read more: http://www.bloggerceria.com/2009/10/download-resident-evil-5-gratis-game-pc.html#ixzz1Ja7NQx96

Resident Evil 3 Nemesis Cheats

Maaf , silahkan terjemah kan sendiri halaman ini .. wkwkwk 
Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis

Cheat Codes:
Submitted by: ILham
Have all Epilogues with the first time play:
Open your savegame under hard mode, go to address 2216, change it to 08 
and saved, then play to finish the game. At the end ,waiting for the 
Epilogue appear but it won't. Now open the Epilogues you will see all 
8 Epilogues.

Play RE3 with the least modes and real times:
First, play the game under hard mode and save your game at the Warehouse, 
then edit your savegame with hex editor. Goto address 02434, it's the first 
space of item box (the trunk), add your favorite weapons (Recommend rocket 
luncher 0A FA 0F) and with these items:

lighter with oil  43 01
Jill's starcard   2F 01 
green gem         44 01
blue gem          45 01
fuse              34 01
power cable       33 01
mixed oil         3A 01
clock t.key       77 01 
chronos key       79 01
chronos gear      4E 01
park key          7D 01
card key          60 01

Then play game:
Take the Warehouse key to open the door, bring lighter, rockket luncher and 
Jill's starcard together. Find the door that you have to use "lighter with 
oil" to open it, you don't need to save Brad.

If you edit the lockpick to open the Galery door without go into the police 
station your game is end you have to go into RPD to get the lockpick.
Leave the police station, open Galery's door by lockpick, continue run to 
the room have item box. Next bring green gem, blue gem, fuse, power cable,  
mixed oil and find way to Raccoon City Hall put 2 gems to the clock.
Then go to the train, you only get in the train by the second door, don't 
use 3 next item at this time. Turn right to visit Nikolai, Mikhail and Carlos 
first, if not the game will be hung, then turn back and now you can use your 
item to make the train work.

After the train is broken, if you choost jump out the window, you will find 
the clock t.key after the picture. Open the item box at the next room to 
bring another clock t.key and chronos key. Go to the bookroom, unlock the 
green door but don't get in, go into the darkred door to the hall. If you 
choost use the break, you should run into the small door, then turn left to 
the chapel to get clock t.key and chronos key. Go to the bookroom to unlock 
the greendoor and don't get in, turn back hall, go to the upstairs to Clock
Tower.Use lock t.key to pulldown the ladder, climb up then turn left to the 
music box, open it with mode: up, down, up, up, down, up to get Chronos chain. 
Combine them, then go down the ladder to the door, Nemesis will go in, kill 
him and turn back Clock Tower, open Item box to get chronos gear, put it in 
the machine,go down the hall.

And from now you play with Carlos, if you want to finish the game with 
Jill you have to go to the hospital to find vaccine and bring it back for 
her, don't edit it because you can't use it without breakdown the hospital.
If you want to finish the game with Carlos, edit for him from address 2574 
(the first space of Carlos's item box) these items:

park key   7B 01
park key   7D 01
Card key   60 01

Bring all them and then go to the park, turn right to the factory. 
On your way you will meet Nemesis again and choost "Put him off", you 
will go to the Factory.At your right side, there is a door near the bom, 
use your card key to open it. Go to the control room and go down the ladder. 
Now finish the game with your best weapon. Good luck

How to get S.T.A.R.S card fast:
Submitted by: Adel Ahmadyan

when you see monster 1st time kill him and then look at Brad's body.
here you can find S.T.A.R.S card .or you can go to RPD and then go 
to school room and get another S.T.A.R.S card as named Jill !

Submited by: Zoran Milutinovic
E-mail: zzamm@ptt.yu

When you first time complete RE3 you will unlock the Mercenary mode. Go to the 
Merc. mode and win as mutch money possible. By Assault Rifle and the Granage 
Then Play RE3 at hard mode. Kill Nemesis 2 times to get parts for Eagle 6.0, 
the 3th time you kill him you'll get health pack. Finaly when you kill him the
4th and 5th time you will get parts for "western shotgun". It's mutch more 
easier and faster to use than regular shatgun, and it is stronger. It uses 
regular shotgun bullets. Enjoy!

New method for mixing ammo:
Submitted by: S.ORANGZEB
E-mail: hero810@hotmail.com

Now you've not need to always mix ammo with reloading tool anymore you can 
also try to mix ammo with simple grenade rounds the greatest advantage is 
that you can also use the grenade rounds in grenade launcher simply when 
one grenade round left in the grenade launcher combine the grenade launcher
with any kind of grenade rounds. exp (Flame,Freeze or Acid). You'll got one
grenade round in a gray box then mix it as the following. 
(The word r = reloading tool and g = grenade rounds)

Note: You can not creat shot gun shells, Handgun bullets, 
      Magnum rounds or simple grenade rounds

A + B -      Powder C
A + G - 6    Flame Rounds 
AA + G - 12  Flame Rounds
AAA + G - 18 Flame Rounds 
B + G - 6    Acid Rounds 
BB + G - 12  Acid Rounds 
BBB + G - 18 Acid Rounds 
C + G - 6    Freeze Rounds 
CC + G - 12  Freeze Rounds 
CCC + G - 18 Freeze Rounds

HexCheat Update:
Submitted by: Ivan Solihin
E-mail: solihin@rhrk.uni-kl.de

Note: The item's hex code is provided by Mohsen Shahmohamadi, 
so I don't write it again here.

Cheat number of save and time:
You can cheat the number of save and time. Go to address 2218 h for the number
of save, and change one byte to 01, and go to address 2200 h for the time and 
change the three bytes to 00 00 00 on the last savegame just before you finish
the game. You will finish the game with only one time save and with a few minutes.
So if you want to get A grade, you can save as many times as you want and as long 
as you can. What you should do only don't use aid spray, just use herb. And the 
rest, CHEAT it. And like items add the address 2000 h for the next savegame place.

Cheat mercenary mode:
Edit the file "RE3_MERCE.exe", go to address 12A0E4 for Carlos's items, 12A100 
for Nikolai's items and 12A11C for Mikael's items. Change it with weapon or item
which you want.

Play as Carlos to the end the game:
After Jill is infected by virus. You will play as Carlos. You can edit the 
savegame and give Carlos lockpick so that he can open the door in front of 
hospital and play the rest of game as Carlos. Though I couldn't finish the 
game because it crashed after Carlos fight with nemesis in dispose room, still
it's worth to try, watch him talk with Jill's voice and he is sooo feminin. And
maybe you are more luckily than me and can finish the game. 

Cheat Resident Evil 3:
Actually you can also cheat the items at the beginning of the game. You must
edit the file "ResidentEvil3.exe" and go to address 12A08C for hard mode Jill's
items, 12A0A0 for hard mode Carlos's items, 12A0B4 for easy mode Jill's items,
and 12A0CC for easy mode Carlos's items.

Submitted by: Mohsen Shahmohamadi
E-mail: pasargad20@hotmail.com

1 You must save the game (name:bu00.sav)
2 Use a hex editor
3 In line 00002400 enter this code follow the model:
  00002400   00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    00 00 00 00 07 FA 0F 00
4 You can all codes enter from this line to line 00024F0
  CATION: There weapons and tools (from line 0002430 to line
  24F0) in the item box
5 If you type FA 0F in row 2,3 your tool and weapon is unlimited
  but if you type 01 or 02 or.... in row 2 then your tool and  
  weapon is 1 or 2 or .....

01 FA 0F: knife                    02 FA 0F: merc's handgun
03 FA 0F: handgun                  04 FA 0F: shotgun      
05 FA 0F: Magnum                   06 FA 0F: G.luncher  
07 FA 0F: G.luncher                08 FA 0F: G.luncher    
09 FA 0F: G.luncher                0A FA 0F: rocket luncher
0B FA 0F: calting gun              0C FA 0F: min thrower
0D FA 0F: eagle 6.0                0E FA 0F: assault rifle semi
0F FA 0F: assault rifle            10 FA 0F: western gun
11 FA 0F: sigprof                  12 FA 0F: m92f e    
13 FA 0F: benelli m32se            14 FA 0F: m.thrower e
15 FA 0F: H.gunbullets             16 FA 0F: magnum bullets
17 FA 0F: shotgun ammo             18 FA 0F: G.rounds
19 FA 0F: flame rounds             1A FA 0F: acid rounds
1B FA 0F: freeze rounds            1C FA 0F: M.T.rounds    
1D FA 0F: A.R.bullets              1E FA 0F: H.G.bullets
1F FA 0F: S.G.shell                20 FA 0F: F.Aid spray 
21 FA 0F: Green Herb               22 FA 0F: blue H        
23 FA 0F: Red H                    24 FA 0F: mixed         
25 FA 0F: mixed                    26 FA 0F: mixed         
27 FA 0F: mixed                    28 FA 0F: mixed         
29 FA 0F: mixed                    2A FA 0F: F.Aid box 
2B FA 0F: crank                    2C FA 0F: red coin 
2D FA 0F: yellow coin              2E FA 0F: blue coin  
2F FA 0F: star card                30 FA 0F: giga oil       
31 FA 0F: battry                   32 FA 0F: fire hose       
33 FA 0F: power cable              34 FA 0F: fuse            
35 FA 0F: fire hose                36 FA 0F: oil additive 
37 FA 0F: card case                38 FA 0F: stars card
39 FA 0F: machine oil              3A FA 0F: mixed oil 
3B FA 0F: iron chain               3C FA 0F: wrench 
3D FA 0F: iron pipe                3E FA 0F: botu  
3F FA 0F: fire hose                40 FA 0F: tape recorder
41 FA 0F: lighter oil              42 FA 0F: lighter        
43 FA 0F: lighter with oil         44 FA 0F: green gem 
45 FA 0F: blue gem                 46 FA 0F: amber ball
47 FA 0F: obsidian ball            48 FA 0F: crystal ball    
49 FA 0F: remote control           4A FA 0F: botu
4B FA 0F: botu                     4C FA 0F: gold gear   
4D FA 0F: silver gear              4E FA 0F: chronos gear 
4F FA 0F: bronze book              50 FA 0F: boronze compass
51 FA 0F: vaccine medium           52 FA 0F: vaccine base 
53 FA 0F: botu                     54 FA 0F: botu            
55 FA 0F: vaccine                  56 FA 0F: botu      
57 FA 0F: botu                     58 FA 0F: medium base  
59 FA 0F: eagle part a             5A FA 0F: eagle part b    
5B FA 0F: m37 part a               5C FA 0F: m37 part b   y
5D FA 0F: botu                     5E FA 0F: chronos chain 
6F FA 0F: rusted cranck            60 FA 0F: card key     
61 FA 0F: gun powder A             62 FA 0F: G.Powder B    
63 FA 0F: GP.c GP="Gun Powder"     64 FA 0F: GP.AA
65 FA 0F: Gun Powder BB            66 FA 0F: GP.AC
67 FA 0F: GP.BC                    68 FA 0F: GP.CC
69 FA 0F: GP.AAA                   6A FA 0F: GP.AAB
6B FA 0F: GP.BBA                   6C FA 0F: GP.BBB
6D FA 0F: GP.CCC                   6E FA 0F: inf bullets
6F FA 0F: water sample             70 FA 0F: system disk 
71 FA 0F: dummy key                72 FA 0F: lockpick
73 FA 0F: warehouse key            74 FA 0F: sickroom key
75 FA 0F: fmblem key               76 FA 0F: botu
77 FA 0F: clock t.key              78 FA 0F: clock t.key
79 FA 0F: chronos key              7A FA 0F: botu
7B FA 0F: park key                 7C FA 0F: park key
7D FA 0F: park key                 7E FA 0F: facility key
7F FA 0F: facility key             80 FA 0F: boutique key
81 FA 0F: ink ribbon               82 FA 0F: reloading tools
83 FA 0F: game inst a              84 FA 0F: game inst b
85 FA 0F: game instraction a                  

Submitted by: long john

Mercenary mode:
Successfully complete the game one time to unlock mercenary mode and save the
"Next Game" file. Start a new game, choose that saved game, then select 
mercenary mode. This mode involves controlling Carlos, Mikhal, or Nikoli from 
the train to the starting room with a two minute timer. Killing the various 
opponents and rescuing civilians during the journey will add more time to the
clock. A rank and money will be awarded after the game is completed. The money
can be used to purchase better weapons for the next mercenary mode game. 

Alternate costumes:
Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting with any rank
better than F to unlock Jill's costume from the original Resident Evil and 
Regina's costume from Dino Crisis. To unlock three additional costumes, 
successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting with a rank
of A. This will unlock police miniskirt, disco, and biker costumes. 

Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting to unlock 
Epilogues. Epilogues are a short diary description of each character in the
entire Resident Evil series which describes what happened with that specific
person after their adventure. Getting better ratings can unlock the other 
epilogues. There are eight total Epilogues that can be unlocked. 

Enhanced Weapons/Ammo:
You can only create enhanced ammo while playing under the hard difficulty 
setting. When creating ammo with the reloading tool, save enough gunpowder
to mix up the same type of ammo eight times. On the eighth time, the game 
will prompt "Do you want to create the enhanced ammo?". Select "Yes". This
ammo is more powerful, may have slightly different effects, and once loaded
into a weapon will change it into an "enhanced weapon". You can only create
 two types of enhanced ammo: 9mm handgun bullets and shot gun shells. The 
only different effects the new bullets have is that they are far more powerful.

Fighting Nemesis:
The Nemesis is left-handed and uses that hand to grab you. When fighting him, 
shoot him two times and run past his right side. Shoot twice and repeat the 
process. Note: This only works when he does not have his Rocket Launcher and
if you are using the handgun. 

Destroy Nemesis' Rocket Launcher: 
This trick requires a large number of health items and first aid sprays. 
When you fight the Nemesis with the Rocket Launcher, aim up. If he targets
you, run and try to make him waste ammunition. After four to seven shots 
from him, he will reload, but the rocket launcher will turn red and explode. 

Mine Thrower with tracking, enhanced shots:
Either get $9999 in Mercenary mode and buy unlimited ammunition or use the 
infinite ammo kit obtained from Nemesis on the Mine Thrower. The Mine Thrower
will have tracking bullets which will show the directions to the zombies. 

Unlimited money and time in mercenaries mode:
Get to the alley that has three dogs and a crate. Kill two of the dogs get 
on the crate. Continuously dodge the remaining dog for a time and money bonus
for dodging. 

Saving A.R. ammunition:
When you are low on ammunition, go to a nearby storage system and take out A.S.
rounds. Combine it with the A.R. and put the rounds back into storage. You will
be restored and still have space for more items.

Saving shotgun ammunition:
Wait for a zombie to get close, then aim up and you will shoot him in the head,
killing him with one shot.

Fighting Nemesis:
The Nemesis is left-handed and uses that hand to grab you. When fighting him,
shoot him two times and run past his right side. Shoot twice and repeat the 
process. Note: This only works when he does not have his Rocket 
Launcher and if you are using the handgun. 

STI Eagle handgun:
Kill Nemesis two times under the hard difficulty setting to get the two parts 
for it. Combine them to get the STI Eagle handgun.

Submitted by Saadabdullah

It is very amazing cheat First you need to go in this website for this cheat 
"www.actiontrip.com" and then on right side of the upper page you will saw 
search type resident evil in this search box and then then you find 5 or 4 
games name Resident evil

Resident evil 0
Resident evil 1
Resident evil 2
Resident evil 3 Nemises
Resident evil Deadly silence and many more
then click on Resident evil 3 nemises and then you find Save game editor or 
many more things and then click on Save game editor and there open a new 
window and then click on here and then you download save game editor In 
which you do every thing and then you need a save game
and then open the save game editer and then open save game one two or three 
and where you save this game.and then you open crack and do every tjing you 

Hex Cheat For Immortality:
Submitted by: Sleepy

String 02214-02215 - change to hex C8 0F - Jill/Carlos immortal.

Defeating the Worm:
Use the following trick to defeat the Worm without wasting good ammunition. 
Walk slightly into the Worm's little section slowly until the screen starts 
to shake and he appears. Back up to the wall and shoot him with the handgun.
If the worm does reach you, which is not very often, Jill will usually dodge
to the right. Repeat until it is defeated. To defeat the second Worm, run 
around for two minutes and try not to take damage. After that time, the light
pole will begin to spark. Use the handgun to shoot in the direction of the two
sparking poles and they will fall into a puddle. Stand near (not in) the puddle,
then wait for the worm to go into the water and fry to death. 

Park fountain solution:
When using the water control unit in Raccoon Park to drain the fountain, you 
have to align the gray and black gears. The gears need to be moved in the 
following order to correctly align them and drain the fountain. Move the bottom
left black gear up. Move the top center gray gear down. Move the top right gray
gear to the left. Move the bottom right black gear up. Move the top center gray
gear down. Move the top left black gear to the right.

Submitted by. WAQAR ZEB

In Reccoon city hospital 4F (Fourth Floor) where you searches the Base Vaccine. First 
go to room no.401 Check the doctor dead body which holds the slip contains numbers '104'. 
Learn this number then go to parallel room no.402. Here the main objective is to get the 
Base Vaccine which is hidden in number lookup. Lockup is hiding some where. As a Carlos 
when Jill is partially infected with virus hold up the cart and push it to the left side 
of a door on the square on floor. Never place it on another square because it ends up a 
shock to Carlos. If you place the cart on wrong square and we know that the characters in 
this game never pulls object. Dont worries go outside the room then come back to room again. 
The cart automatically goes to old position. An unnatural happening but helpful for prayer. 
After placement the mountain picture fall and uncovered the lockup. Press the lockup and 
type the code '104'. It opens and has Base Vaccine. Combine the Base Vaccine and other 
vaccine and give it to ill Jill.

Trik & Tips Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 4 aslinya ditujukan untuk platform game console (seperti Sony PS2). Meski kemudian game ini ditranslasi ke PC, tetapi hasil translasi terkesan seadanya.Kelemahan terbesar Resident Evil 4 versi PC ini terletak pada sistem kontrolnya. Game ini praktis hanya mengandalkan keyboard, dan tak mendukung penggunaan mouse. Membidik musuh hanya bisa dilakukan de ngan tombol keyboard, bukan dengan mouse, seperti layaknya game-game yang ditujukan untuk PC. Akibatnya, Anda dijamin akan mengalami kesulitan untuk membidik deyang mudah diikuti. Keterbatasan halaman membuat penyajian dalam bentuk walkthrough menjadi tidak memungkinkan. Oleh karena itu, kami hanya akan menurunkan strategi dan tipnya. Semoga bisa membantu Anda menamatkan game ini.



Untuk chapter tertentu, ada beberapa senjata yang wajib Anda miliki untuk menyelesaikan misi. Sebagai contoh pada chapter 3 (Castle), di mana Anda wajib memiliki Rifl e! Sebuah rocket launcher juga akan sagat membantu, jika Anda miliki mulai dari chapter Castle ini. Namun selebihnya, Anda selalu bisa mengandalkan shotgun. _ Berikut adalah senjata yang bisa Anda miliki:

    Pistol: Handgun/Punisher/Red9/Blacktail Shotgun: Shotgun, Riot Gun, Striker Rifl e: Rifl e, Semi-Auto Rifl e Magnum: Broken Butterfl y, Killer7 Heavy Weapon: TMP (machine gun), Mine Thrower, Rocket Launcher, Special Rocket Launcher. Grenade: Flash Grenade, Hand Grenade, Incendiary Grenade

Di luar itu ada senjata khusus yang hanya bisa didapat dengan kondisi tertentu:
  1. Matilda (tamatkan permainan)
    Chicago Typewriter
    Handcannon (dapatkan 5 bintang dalam game mercenaries),
    Infi nite Rocket Launcher


Ganados: Musuh berupa penduduk desa. Pergerakan mereka relatif lambat, dan
hanya mengandalkan jumlah. Namun untuk merubuhkannya tetap butuh 3-4 kali tembakan handgun ke kepala, dan lebih banyak lagi jika membidik tubuhnya. Mereka baru lebih berbahaya jika mengeluarkan parasit. Membunuh parasit yang efektf, hanyalah bila Anda menembak langsung parasitnya.

Zealot: Musuh di Castle. Beberapa di antaranya ada yang membawa crossbow, berhelm dan berperisai. Sebisanya, bereskan zealot dengan crossbow secepatnya. Zealot dengan perisai bisa dihancurkan dengan shotgun. Zealot di luar itu relative mudah dihadapi, kecuali jika mereka telah mengeluarkan parasit.

Chainsaw Ganados: Ada dua jenis Dr. Salvador dan Bella Sisters. Mereka sangat-sangat mematikan, dan akan memenggal kepala Leon begitu tersentuh! Jadi jaga jarak, dan minimal gunakan shotgun untuk menghadapinya. Jika punya granat, jangan ragu untuk menggunakannya.

Serigala: Kecuali serigala baik yang terperangkap pada awal game, selebihnya adalah musuh yang menjengkelkan. Mereka sulit dibidik, dan akan memunculkan parasit. Sama seperti chainsaw ganados, gunakan minimal shotgun, atau granat.

Blind Slasher: Memiliki cakar seperti Wolverine, dan sangat mematikan. Ketika kali pertama menemui di penjara, Anda bisa memanfaatkan bel untuk meman cing perhatian mereka. Saat mereka menyerbu, hindari. Saat cakarnya menancap, tembak parasit di punggungnya dengan shotgun. Sedangkan pada pertemuan berikutnya, usahakan tidak berlari saat menghadapinya, agar tidak diketahui letak Anda.

Novistador: Sejenis serangga raksasa. Kali pertama dijumpai di sewer, di chapter Castle. Sebagian bisa membuat tubuhnya transparan, dan sebagian lagi bisa terbang. Gunakan hanya shotgun, dan bila memungkinkan bidik dengan rifl e dari jarak jauh. Untuk yang terbang, tembak saat ia di udara.

Soldiers: Dijumpai pada chapter Islands. Strategi menghadapi mereka tak beda dengan Zealot.

Armored Soldiers: Mereka terlidung armor, jadi bidik kepalanya. Sebaiknya gunakan shotgun.

Chaingunner (J.J): Sangat mematikan.Berlindung saat ia menembak. Setelah berhenti, segera keluar. Gunakan shotgun atau jika punya, magnum, dan bidik kepalanya.

Regenerator: Mereka bisa memulihkan diri dengan cepat. Untuk menamatkannya, Anda harus membidik tiga parasit di bawah kulit mereka. Gunakan rifl e dengan infrared scope. Jika bisa kabur, kaburlah.

Spiky regenerator: Mereka tak hanya memiliki parasit di bagian depan, tapi juga belakang tubuhnya, sehngga membuatnya lebih sulit dihadapi. Ia juga bias meloncat, ditandai dengan bergetar. Tembak saat ia mulai bergetar, untuk mencegahnya melompat, dan coba bidik parasitnya.


Del Lago: Sejenis ikan raksasa. Menghadapinya relatif mudah. Saat perahu Anda terseret, usahakan agar jangan menabrak pohon atau Del Lago. Kemudian, saat Leon berdiri dan memegang tombak, ikuti tanda panah untuk mencari Del Lago. Saat ia muncul, tunggu sesaat, dan bidik mulutnya.

El Gigante: Raksasa ini agak sulit dihadapi, namun Anda akan dibantu serigala yang Anda bebaskan dari perangkap di awal game. Usahakan untuk selalu berlari berputar-putar. Hindari serangannya.

Pada versi PC, perintah seperti ini tak cuma butuh refl ek yang baik, tapi juga ingatan yang kuat. Hafalkan tombol berdasarkan angka. Resident Evil 4 memberi beberapa puzzle. Sebagian sederhana, sebagian cukup rumit. Untuk antisipasi, kami memberikan solusinya bagi Anda.

Yang. Jadi hindari serangannya, tembak, lalu akses switch yang ada. Jangan fokus bertarung dengannya di sini. Setelah keluar, tembak barrel seandainya ia di dekat situ. Masuki terowongan. Kunci dia, lempar granat dan tembak kepalanya.

Krauser: Gunakan pisau saat pertama menghadapinya. Tujukan serangan pisau ke tubuhnya. Hindari serangannya de ngan menekan tombol tertentu. Berodong dia dengan peluru jika memungkinkan, atau jika perlu gunakan granat. Setelah memiliki ‘tangan’ baru, Krauser menjadi musuh yang sangat tangguh. Gunakan strategi yang sama untuk mengalahkannya.

Saddler: Bidik mata di kakinya. Lemparkan granat ke bawahnya. Manfaatkan pula barrel atau switch di dekat situ. Saat ia jatuh, gunakan magnum, dan tembak mata yang dikelilingi semacam pisau. Setelah beberapa tembakan, ada Wong akan memberi spesial rocket launcher. Tembak dia dengan senjata baru ini. Anda juga bisa mendekat, saat ia jatuh, dan menekan tombol yang diminta untuk membuat Leon menusuk matanya.


Chapter 1-3: Green Orb Door
lokasi: Village: Chief’s House
Solusi: Gerakkan orb hijau ke atas sekali, lalu ke kiri sekali untuk membukanya.
Chapter 1-3: Church Dial
lokasi: Village: belakang gereja
Solusi: pilih urutan berikut 3-3-3-4-4-4-3, dan dapatkan Green Catseye cepat, dan tembak dengan shotgun. Lakukan hal sama beberapa kali untuk membereskannya.

Verdugo: Anda butuh rocket laucher untuk boss ini. Sebelum Anda mengaktifkan
lift, hindari serangannya dengan menekan tombol yang diminta. Setelah mengaktifkan tuju pintu. Manfaatkan container berisi liquid nitrogen. Setelah FMV, dekati dan tendang dia, lalu segera bidik dengan rocket laucher.

Los Gigantes: Anda bisa melenyapkan salah satu raksasa ini dengan relative mudah. Panjat tangga. Tunggu salah satu dari mereka menggetarkannya, lalu meluncur turun. Tuju switch dan akses saat salah satunya berdiri di atas platform. Tapi setelah itu, menjauhlah dari pit. Untuk menghadapi sisanya, tembaki dia. Saat ia mendekat panjat tangga, tembaki lagi. Saat ia mulai menggetarkan tangga, segera turun, tapi usahakan untuk juga menembaknya. Tebas saat parasitnya muncul, seperti pada El Gigante.

Salazar: Menghadapi boss ini sebaiknya gunakan rocket launcher. Jalan sedikit ke kanan. Bidik mata di kepalanya dengan shotgun. Saat pelindungnya terbuka, tembak dengan rocket launcher. Jika gagal membunuhnya saat itu, segera lari begitu kepalanya terbelah atau saat ia mengatakan “payback”. Turun ke bawah, lalu setelah terhindar dari serangannya, segera panjat tangga, dan hadapi lagi dia.

The “IT”: Monster ini sulit dihadapi, terutama karena Anda terkurung tiga kan- Bidik kepalanya saat ia ‘bermain’ dengan serigala. Saat ia terduduk, dekati dan tekan tombol yang diminta. Leon akan menyabet parasitnya dengan pisau. Lakukan tiga kali untuk menaklukkannya. Perhatian, El gigante kedua sebaiknya dihindari saat Anda akan memilih di antara dua rute (setelah episode Anda bertarung bahu membahu bersama Luis Sera). Rute kanan adalah mimpi buruk, karena Anda harus menghadapi El Gigante di area sempit. Itupun masih ditambah Anda membawa Ashley, dan harus membuka pintu yang dirantai. Jadi, pilih rute kiri. Di sini Anda harus menghadapi Bella Sisters.

Bella Sisters: Tak begitu sulit menghadapi mereka. Satu hal wajib, sebelum terjun ke bawah, pastikan Ashley bersembunyi di dalam kotak di platform atas. Dekati kotak itu bersama Ashley, dan tekan tombol F. Setelah Ashley bersembunyi, turunlah ke area tengah. Begitu Bella Sister muncul naik ke atas, lari dan tuju ke platform darimana Anda pertama naik. Tunggu Bella Sister dan para Ganado muncul, lalu tembaki dengan shotgun.

Village Chief: Hindari serangannya yang pertama dengan menekan tombol yang diminta. Selanjutnya, panjat tangga. Tuju sisi kiri, dan berlindung di balik plat baja. Tentakelnya tak akan mencapai Anda. Tembaki dia dari sini. Setelah tubuhnya patah, boss ini akan berayun-ayun antar tiang kuda-kuda bangunan. O iya, Leon akan otomatis kembali ke bawah. Larilah saat ia mendekat, kemudian berbalik

Chapter 2-2: Church Color Light
Lokasi: Gereja.
Solusi: Putar lampu merah 2 kali, lampu hijau 3 kali , dan lampu biru sekali.
Chapter 3-2: Portrait Puzzle
Lokasi: Castle: Setelah menghabisi pemimpin zealot bersenjata mesin raksasa.
Solusi: Tekan nomor ini secara berurutan: 1, 3, 2, 4. tekan OK/Quit.

Chapter 3-3: Last Dinner
Lokasi: Castle: koridor ruang makan.
Solusi: Tuju pojok, akses bel meja. Saat muncul lukisan, bidik botol anggurnya.

Chapter 3-4: Ashley’s Knight Tiles
Lokasi: Castle: Saat mengendalikan Ashley
Solusi: Gerakkan potongan kanan-tengah ke tengah. Lalu, potongan atas-kanan ke bawah. Potongan atas-tengah ke kanan, lalu potongan di tengah ke atas. Kemudian potongan kiri-tengah ke tengah. Potongan kiri-bawah ke atas. Gerakkan lagi potongan bawah-tengah ke kiri. Lalu potongan kanan-tengah ke bawah. Gerakkan potongan di tengah ke kanan. Lalu potongan atas-tengah ke bawah. Lalu potongan atas kiri ke kanan. Selanjutnya potongan kiri-tengah ke atas. Potongan bawah-kiri ke atas. Gerakkan potongan tengah ke bawah, dan potongan kanan-tengah ke tengah. Lalu potongan bawah-kanan ke atas. Terakhir letakkan potongan yang Anda ambil sebelumnya.

Chapter 5-1: Colored Light
Lokasi: Island: Autopsy room.
Solusi: cek pintu terkunci. Lihat ke kanan. Putar warna biru sekali, hijau dua kali dan merah tiga kali.

Tips Cara Bermain Left 4 Dead Multi Player

Cara Bermain Left 4 Dead 1 LAN, Multiplayer, 1 Warnet, Bareng - Bareng, gini nih caranya,.,.,,.,.,.,.

Buat LAN play ada cara khususnya, soal menu LAN nya secara default gak nongol. Caranya, pertama-pertama aktifkan dulu console mode nya biar bisa masuk ke console. Caranya, tambahin -console di parameter pada shortcut Left 4 Dead nya (mis: C:\Program files\Left 4 Dead\Left4dead.exe -console)

terus di dalam menu utama, buat buka console, teken tombol tekan ( ~ ) letaknya disamping no 1 diatas (Tab) dibawah (Esc). @ Reza Muzay Blog

Untuk server:

1. Pastikan anda tahu alamat IP anda (buka command prompt lalu ketik "ipconfig /all", tanpa tanda petik

2. Masuk ke L4D (Left 4 Dead)

3. Buka console, dan ketik command-command berikut ini:

sv_lan 1 (tekan submit atau enter)
sv_allow_lobby_connect_only 0 (tekan submit atau enter)
net_start (tekan submit atau enter) map [map yg dituju] (tekan tombol ke bawah, trus cari tempat yang kamu sukai,,, lalu tekan submit atau enter)

4. Command tambahan:

z_difficulty [Easy/Normal/Hard/Impossible] (memilih difficulty (Default: Normal))
sv_cheats 0/1 (untuk nyalain cheat)

Untuk client (Multiplayer) :

1. Pastikan anda tahu alamat IP server

2. Masuk ke L4D

3. Buka console, lalu ketik "connect [alamat IP server]:27015", tanpa tanda petik

Jika, apabila, seandainya, mungkin mau tau nama-nama map nya, bisa ketik "maps *" di console.
kalau mau online susah untuk versi bajakan. sementara juga harus mencari cara.

Bisa Juga difficultynya diganti menjadi  Easy/Normal/Hard/Expert ketika sedang bermain, caranya tekan (Esc) lalu pilih CALL A VOTE -> Change Difificulty -> lalu pilih Easy/Normal/Hard/Expert